
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fighting/Raiding Technics

For beginners you swing your sword to kill people, then take their stuff. Attacking with a sword is preferable and jumping and swinging on the drop is important, this causes criticals. Another good thing to do is sprint at your enemy then swing, this causes a knokback effect and would allow for a smother escape. Enchantments are also a massive bonus to damage output and surviveability, from your chest plate to your sword they are invaluable. Getting the right enchantments is key what your looking for in a sword is Sharpness, Fire Aspect, Knockback, in armor you want protection most of all but the other derived protection enchants are fine.

No matter how boss you are at pvp under no circumstances should you take aggro (unless their is a plugin where tanking is encouraged). For instance, you are in a raiding clan of four people and you have the diamond gear, what do you do? You run in all hotshot like. Then you take all the enemy's aggro and damage while your party rushes to your aid. Unless a plugin like Hero's is installed this should be avoided (I will touch on heros in a another post)

Back in my pvp days my guildys and I preformed a tactic called juggling, a way to minimize damage to you and maximize damage output. What happens is one person attacks head on while another is flanking and a bit behind you. You strike 3-4 times before you run off like a pussy, then your teammate hits him from the back like a true boss, while this happens you need to run back at the enemy. Now you stab him again, and repeat this strategy, until the dude is dead.

* a quick tip, if you only have one splash potion of swiftness or something have everyone jump into a 1x1 hole then use it.

* you can use splash potion of damage in the spawn zone. :)

Don't use lava of fire in a skirmish, you will only hurt yourself in the scramble. defending is another thing, throw down some fire at the entrance to your base but make sure your foes cannot jump over it. its mostly a intimidation tool, nevertheless it works sometimes.

Hiding then springing out is the best way to go. If you took my advice to download x-ray finding enemies is easy, and with the cave finder mode you can see the layout of their base. Most of the time you have to crouch in a hole outside of their base an wait for an unsuspecting target to wander into your range. After he dies wait and let the fear sink in, just stand outside with your clan and stare at them.

When assaulting a base it is a wise idea to have someone with a knockback bow ready to fire an arrow right through the door. And even better for some one to be crouching right above the door to swing at whoever leaves.

*Just for fun you can leave religious stuff outside their base to creep them out, or blow holes in everything.

Now all the loot is inside on the enemy base so what do you do, you make a massive door in the wall. If you know how to make a TNT cannon then you can skip this. All a tnt cannon is in essence one piece of TNT launching another piece forward. Make sure that the TNT being launched is primed before the launching TNT goes off. Timing is key for distance, around five seconds before TNT goes off. Wait untill that sweet spot before you set it off. TNT cannons can get very complicated and I will make a video tutorial explainign how to make one.

Last is something that to many clans do, sit in their chest room while the raiders raid. Under NO circumstances should you do this, fight to the death especially when you outnumber them. Wining through attrition is noting to be ashamed about. Let me tell you a little story, these creative f*** came onto our clan server no one liked them. After awhile we got feed up and had a 40-7 fight with them, we won and the server was once again true hardcore pvp.

(Sorry if this wasn't up to snuff with my previous posts, this week has been rough on me.)

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